Legal Requirements

Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM)

Notice of intended marriage
This form must be completed one month prior to the marriage taking place and is sent to the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages in the state or territory in which the marriage takes place, after the marriage ceremony. The Registrar uses the information in the Notice to register the marriage.
The bride and groom must show the celebrant evidence of the date and place of birth in the form of birth certificates and photo identification or passports to complete the Notice.
If either party has been previously married, evidence of that party’s divorce, or of the death of that party’s spouse must be produced to the authorized celebrant before the marriage is solemnized.
Marriage Certificate and Declaration
Prior to the marriage taking place, the parties must sign a Declaration that there is no legal impediment to their marrying.
The marriage must be witnessed by two people aged eighteen years or more.


During the ceremony, the celebrant is required to quote the Monitum:
I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law.
Bride and groom, before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.
These words may be changed slightly but must not alter the meaning of the statement.


The bride and groom are required to state the legal vows within the hearing of the celebrant. Personal vows may also be included.
The legal vows are:
I call upon all the persons here to witness that I Groom, take you Bride, to be my lawful wedded wife.
I call upon all the persons here to witness that I Bride, take you Groom, to be my lawful wedded husband.

Following the Marriage Ceremony

The authorised celebrant is required to send the Notice of Intended Marriage, Marriage Certificate and Declaration to the Registrar of
Births, Deaths and Marriages in the state or territory in which the marriage takes place, within 14 days after the marriage ceremony.

Marriage Certificate

The celebrant presents the couple with a printed Certificate, witnessed by two persons aged more than eighteen years.
If the Marriage Certificate is required for legal purposes, an application must be submitted to the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages in the state or territory in which the marriage took place.

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